
The ‘Split’ is coming!!! – The Pleiadians

The ‘Split’ is coming!!! The Pleiadians say that this is the biggest energetic transfer ever to take place during this current transition of Earth. At the very moment you enter the frequency of 2022 a multidimensional energetic ‘Split’ will impact the entire sphere of the earth plane. Those of you who are ...


ELOHIM TRANSMISSION – THE ARISING OF A NEW REALITY "Greetings. We are Elohim. You might have seen and recognized the changes that have started on this plane of existence, the changes within your life, the changes of your perception of reality, the changes of humanity’s perception of itself. All the structures of the ...

As humanity started to understand its own existence….

"Greetings. We are Elohim. As humanity started to understand its own existence, its own identity in individualized form, it started to recognize all beings as well manifested into this physical reality — the various forms of consciousness that have found their way into this manifestation — animals, plants, as well ...

Over the course of humanity’s development, humanity, as a race, as a physical manifestation of its consciousness…

"Greetings. We are Elohim. Over the course of humanity’s development, humanity, as a race, as a physical manifestation of its consciousness, started to understand the capacities and the capabilities that it holds beyond merely existing on this plane of material creation. Thoughts, imagination, relationships, emotions, drove the creation, the manipulation, of ...

Archangel Michael: The Time Has Come My Pillars Of Light

Dear Ones! I am Archangel Michael! Let’s walk. All together. For those soldiers, who many times together with me found themselves in that immense field, where you were information and where you participated in many meditations, it is not necessary to be in profile, it is enough that you are all ...

Great Revival Of Humanity

Greetings, dear earthlings! Today we would like to share the current news from the subtle level with you and our point of view on the events taking place on Earth now. The main piece of news is that the air fleet of Ashtar Sheran has ultimately won over the armada of the ...

A Message From Sirius: The Time is Now

Dearest Ones we are here to say to you yet again. ALL IS WELL. You have all been through so much in the past year and many of you are feeling tired, weak, exhausted, and wondering what your life is all about. You wonder when the darkness that is being ...